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Helpful Remote Learning Tips...


Establish a routine and expectations. Try to create a sense of normalcy through routine so your child can get into the rhythm of remote learning.


Make sure they have the necessary materials. While you may not have all the materials of a classroom, please make sure you have what is necessary for remote learning.


Encourage students to take ownership of their learning. I know this can be tough for first graders. When setting a schedule, get them to agree to it so they feel like they were part of the decision. Try and help them take more responsibility for completing assignments and enjoy this new learning experience.


Stay in touch. Communication is going to be key to ensure the best experience for your family. This is new for all of us, so don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. It's important I understand your comfort level with these new challenges so I can assist when needed. We're all in this together!


Create a space to learn. As best you can, try to set up a place in your home as the designated school environment that's conducive for learning.


Set a daily schedule. At the beginning of each day, do your best to set a schedule with your child and stick to it. It's important they understand what they can expect for the day.


Utilize your resources. I have provided you with some resources and will continue to do so. Explore the resources and use them to help enhance your child's learning experience and make your job as a parent/guardian a little easier. Let me know what else we can provide to help.


It's about the child, not the work. The most important thing we can do as a team is ensure the children are getting most out of the unique circumstances we're all facing (I know...easier said than done). I know you are under immense pressure as a parent, but try not to over-emphasize 'getting everything done' over the well-being of the child.



Phone:    (708) 525-1040

*Email is the best way to reach me, but do not hesitate    to call with any questions or concerns. If I'm unable to    answer, leave a voicemail and I will return your call by    the start of class the following day.

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